< All June dates have been cancelled
06/25/2020 12:54pm Age: 5 yrs

HangarFest postponed to 2021

the latest large event affected my uncertainty in the entertainment scheduling


It is with great sadness that we announce the cancelation of this year's Hangarfest. 

Discovery Station (@DiscoveryStationatHagerstown) and Breast Cancer Awareness Cumberland Valley have been closely monitoring all COVID-19 communications, and Maryland Phase progressions. At this time with the state just recently entering into Phase 2, and no projection of when concerts with audiences and without social distancing will be allowed, we sadly are unable to host the event this year.

This fundraiser event brings in more than 1,100 attendees and we want to ensure our guests will have the safest and best Hangarfest experience. 

We thank you for your understand and we look forward to rocking it out with The Reagan Years and the Jill Fulton band in 2021!