The Reagan Years interviewed on WBAL morning show to support Ride Across Maryland Concert

members of The Reagan Years appeared on WBAL Morning Show to support the Ride Across Maryland after-hours concert. They performed with KIX and Crack The Sky.
The Reagan Years voted Best Band by readers of Frederick Magazine 2013

First Place in the Reader's Poll for best band
The Reagan Years interviewed and performs on FOX Channel 5 Morning Show, Washington DC

The band performed on FOX Channel 5 Morning Show, Washington DC.
The Reagan Years perform Ronald Reagan's Centennial Birthday

The Reagan Years were the featured entertainer at General Electric's Ronald Reagan centennial birthday celebration held at the Reagan Building, Washington DC. This was a very prestigious events and the band was flattered to...
The Reagan Years perform Official Tailgate for 2010 Military Bowl

The band entertained an attendance of over 8000 for the Official Tailgate Party of the 2010 Military Bowl held at the DC Armory. The Reagan Years was the only band for this event.